Using the i-Pass Dial Wizard

Why we need i-Pass Dial Wizard?
is supported by more than 1000 ISP members around the world. Each ISP member may use different systems and may require different login procedures. As a user, you probably feel difficult to memorize the various login procedures. i-Pass Dial Wizard is designed to help you to solve this problem. You just need to know where you are, which number you call and from where you make the call. i-Pass Dial Wizard will create an icon for you that contains the necessary login procedure.

There are 4 steps in using the i-Pass Dial Wizard

Install the i-Pass Dial Wizard

Do it once after download it from our server

Create a Dialup Icon for each access point

Do it once for each number you need to dial

Dial and Login to the Internet

Run this everytime when connecting to the Internet

Change the SMTP server to

The procedure depends on which software you use. Usually in the "Options", "Settings" or "Perference", you will find the location to set the SMTP (outgoing) Server

Install the i-Pass Dial Wizard

If you have not downloaded the i-Pass Dial Wizard, idw.exe, please download it from
Download site #1. Note: You need NOT to do this everytime.

Create an Icon for each Access Point

You need to create an icon for every access point. E.g. If you are in L.A., you need to create an icon for the access point in L.A. When you move to Toronto, you need to create another icon for the access point in Toronto.
Note: If you change the access point, even though in the same city, you still need to create a new icon for it. Now, you can use the newly created icon to make connection and login to the Internet. You need not to do this process again, unless you want to change the dialing number or you move to another city.

Dial and Login to the Internet

Unlike that in Hong Kong, you have to make the connection first before starting other browser or email software.
When you are using this roaming service, actually you are connecting to another ISP. Sometimes there may have unexpected changes, error, and outage in certain cities. If you have any problem, don't panic; check the dialing procedures especially when you stay in hotel. You may also try other access points. Usually, there are more than 1 access point in one city.

Here you go! Have a nice trip!

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